Monday, 21 February 2011

Introduction to my Blog: Non-Verbal Communication

For my individual class project in Business Communications COMM 12423 I have chosen to write a Blog.
I have chosen the topic Non-Verbal Communication because I feel that everything we "say" is not strictly verbal.  In fact: "About 93% of all our communication is non-verbal", according to Ric Phillips, president of 3VCommunications Ltd. (Globe&Mail,Jan14,2011)

"Most people are unaware that their body language speaks far louder that what they are saying. And there's a huge number of physical distractions that can certainly undermine or change your message" Catherine Bell, president of Prime Impressions Image Consultants, (Globe&Mail,January 14, 2011)

I will over then next few weeks discuss the following forms of Non-Verbal Communication:
  • Eye Contact
  • Facial Expression
  • Posture and Gestures
  • Time
  • Space
  • Territory
  • Appearance of Business Documents
  • Appearance of People